On August 6, 2011, the U.S. Breastfeeding Committee officially declared that August is National Breastfeeding Month (NBM). These celebrations are rooted in online action and conversation about the policy and practice changes needed to build a landscape of support for babies and families.
BFIDSA will be sharing information, resources, as well as safe practices on the use of infant supports during breastfeeding in honor of this years’ theme “Together we do great things.” We’ll also be joining the breastfeeding community in observing weekly celebrations throughout the month.
If you’d like to get involved by circulating our materials, download the #NBM22 toolkit below and follow the simple instructions. We look forward to continuing the conversation with you on social media.
Follow us.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/BFIDSA
#NBM22 Social Toolkit.
We’ll be releasing a Social Toolkit on this page in the coming days. It will include several tools to help your organization spread the word about National Breastfeeding Month.
Whether you have time limited time to just re-share a post on your story, or if you’re able to take longer to put your own spin on these posts, we welcome your participation in any capacity!